Human Rights Policy

Last Updated

01 November, 2024

Business Intelli Solutions Inc. is committed to maintaining a global work environment free from harassment or discrimination, in accordance with provincial, federal, state, and international human rights standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We are dedicated to respecting the dignity of every individual and promoting equal opportunities so that everyone can contribute fully. Additionally, we are committed to protecting human rights in the communities where we operate. This policy outlines our approach to creating a supportive, safe, and equitable workplace for all.



The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and set expectations for behavior in the workplace, ensuring everyone’s fundamental right to work in an environment free from harassment and discrimination.



  • i ) Discrimination: Any behavior, whether intentional or not, that negatively affects an individual or group based on prohibited grounds (such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, etc.), unrelated to their abilities. This may arise from direct or indirect treatment.
  • ii ) Harassment: Any inappropriate comment or conduct that a person knows or should know would be unwelcome, offensive, or hurtful.
  • iii ) Workplace: Any location where Business Intelli Solutions Inc.-related activities occur, including offices, work sites, vehicles, and off-site events.


Every employee is responsible for maintaining a work environment that respects human rights and is free from discrimination and harassment. This policy applies to all employees, independent service providers, clients, and visitors in Business Intelli Solutions Inc.-related settings. It also extends to situations where Business Intelli Solutions Inc. is either purchasing or providing services, encouraging service providers to adopt similar human rights principles.

This policy applies to all stages of the employment relationship, including recruitment, compensation, promotion, and termination. Additional reference should be made to the Respectful Workplace Policy for information on workplace violence, incident reporting, and investigations.



Business Intelli Solutions Inc. will not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination, or human rights violations. Such behavior is inconsistent with our core values and is unlawful. We strive to foster a culture of mutual respect and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone feels valued within the company.


International Application

We commit to adhering to the highest human rights standards in the countries where we operate. When national laws and international human rights standards differ, we will follow the higher standard. In cases of conflict, we will comply with national laws while respecting international human rights to the greatest extent possible.


Respect for Human Rights

Employees are expected to:

  • – Respect the dignity and rights of all individuals.
  • – Promote inclusive workplace practices that welcome diversity.
  • – Listen to and learn from others’ perspectives.
  • – Identify and report workplace practices that may indirectly discriminate against individuals or groups.
  • – Ensure a physically and mentally safe work environment.
  • – Respect the privacy and personal information of clients.
  • – Avoid abusive behavior, including derogatory comments, offensive jokes, rumors, physical threats, or unwelcome advances.
  • – Report any violations of this policy to their manager or Human Resources.
  • – Cooperate in investigations of harassment or discrimination.



Business Intelli Solutions Inc. takes all complaints seriously and will investigate them appropriately. Depending on the findings, necessary actions will be taken in line with human rights laws to resolve the issue and prevent recurrence. Complaints can be reported to managers, Human Resources, or the Legal Department, or through the Whistleblower Policy.



No employee will face retaliation for raising concerns under this policy.



Employees with limitations due to protected grounds under human rights law are encouraged to discuss accommodations with their manager or Human Resources. Further details can be found in the Employment Equity and Accommodation Policy.



Employees are required to comply with this policy and support others in doing the same. Managers are responsible for creating an open environment where concerns can be freely expressed and immediately addressed. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary actions, including termination, counseling, sensitivity training, or other sanctions as required by law.