Employee Attendance Policy

Last Updated

01 November, 2024

Overview & Purpose

This Employee Attendance Policy outlines expectations regarding attendance and punctuality. We aim to maintain efficiency and foster collaboration within the workplace by encouraging employees to adhere to their work schedules.



This attendance policy applies to all non-exempt employees, regardless of their position or employment type.


Policy Details


Attendance and Punctuality Expectations

Collaboration is key in most roles within the company. To facilitate effective teamwork, employees are expected to arrive on time and follow the work schedule agreed upon with their manager. Occasional absences or lateness are understandable but should be for legitimate reasons.

Frequent tardiness or absenteeism can negatively impact coworkers who may need to cover for absent team members. This can result in an unfavorable attendance record and could lead to progressive disciplinary measures.



  • i ) Absenteeism: refers to frequently missing work or taking excessive sick leave without proper documentation.
  • ii ) Presenteeism occurs when employees work beyond their scheduled hours unnecessarily, which may affect both productivity and job satisfaction. We encourage adherence to both start and end times of the workday.
  • iii ) Tardiness involves arriving late, taking longer breaks than allowed, or leaving work early without valid reasons. While occasional lateness may be acceptable, consistent issues with tardiness could disrupt workplace efficiency.

Employees are responsible for tracking their working hours using our designated [timekeeping system/software]. Accurate recording ensures correct compensation.


Unforeseen Absences

In the event of an unexpected absence, employees should inform their manager as soon as possible. If the manager is unavailable due to time zone differences, employees should notify HR. Absences should be covered by available paid time off (PTO) or sick leave, and recorded in the [HR software] promptly.

Unreported absences lasting more than three days will be treated as job abandonment. If you need to leave early, please inform your manager in advance.

In cases of serious emergencies, such as accidents or family medical crises, absences may be excused. Employees may be required to provide documentation (e.g., doctor’s notes) to verify such emergencies.

The following reasons typically do not qualify as excused absences:

  • i ) Oversleeping
  • ii ) Personal errands on the way to work
  • iii ) Minor traffic or public transportation delays (except for major disruptions)
  • iv ) Ordinary weather conditions (excluding extreme circumstances like blizzards, hurricanes, etc.)
  • v ) Unapproved holidays


Good Attendance Recognition

Employees with fewer than [three incidents] of absenteeism or tardiness in a year will be rewarded with an additional paid day off the following year. A good attendance record includes:

  • i ) Consistent attendance
  • ii ) Punctual arrival at the beginning of each shift
  • iii ) Leaving work at the scheduled end time (except when overtime is required)
  • iv ) Remaining present during work hours (except for designated breaks)
  • v ) Taking breaks within the expected time limits
  • vi ) Notifying your manager in advance of any necessary absence or lateness
  • vii ) Being late or absent only for valid reasons


Manager’s Role

Managers are responsible for monitoring their team’s attendance. If an employee frequently arrives late or misses work, the manager should schedule a private conversation to discuss potential issues. Managers should explore solutions such as flexible hours, remote work, or time management training. If mental health concerns are suspected, managers should encourage employees to seek assistance from our [mental health professional].

In cases of suspected abuse of sick leave or deliberate tardiness, managers should notify HR and initiate a progressive discipline process.


Disciplinary Actions

If there are concerns that an employee is misusing sick leave, they may be required to provide a doctor’s note. If tardiness is unintentional, corrective counseling will be the first step toward resolution. Further disciplinary action, up to and including termination, may be taken if:

  • i ) Corrective counseling is ineffective
  • ii ) Tardiness is found to be intentional
  • iii ) Attendance issues affect job performance

Unexcused or unreported absences are not considered working hours and will not be compensated.



This policy is intended as a general guideline and does not account for all applicable local, state, or federal laws. Business Intelli Solutions Inc. is not legally responsible for any issues arising from the use of this policy.